Juggling school, family, and a social life can be a lot for college students. Add in the need for extra cash and time management can become even scarier. The good news is that there are tons of websites busy college students can use to generate income without applying for traditional employment. Get started with these favorites.
Want to earn some money while juggling your classes and other obligations? There are tons of online websites where you can put your academic skills, hobbies, or talents to good use while earning some extra cash.
Want to Earn Money without Getting a Traditional Job? These Websites Offer Options – and They Pay Well, Too.
Online Tutoring Sites
Do you get good grades and love to help others? You can earn a decent wage acting as an online tutor. You can sign up on websites like Tutor.com or Wyzant for a formal opportunity. Students with a particular area of expertise can advertise through their colleges and past elementary school or high school networking groups. Focus on the subjects you excel in and you could set a very fair, above-minimum hourly wage.
Don’t run screaming. You can earn far more than $5 per gig on Fiverr; that’s just your starting wage. Do you have a knack for simple graphic design tasks, social media posts writing, or other services? You’re not going to get rich quick on Fiverr, but you can create packages that upsell your services based on the services and enhancements you provide. This one might be better for those who don’t have a ton of time but need some extra spending money, but it’s still an option.
TaskRabbit is a great place for those who want to get out of the house now and then to find work. People list chores and household tasks they need help with, so you’ll have an opportunity to take a break from the books and weed a garden, mow a lawn, help someone with shopping or laundry, put together Ikea furniture, or any of a wide variety of tasks.
Resume Writing
Did you really enjoy all of your resume writing classes in school? Are you really good at it? If so, you’ll find there are tons of people willing to pass the cringe-worthy task on to someone else. ResumeEdge and WriterBay are good places to start, but you may have better luck letting friends, fellow students, and family know you’re offering your resume-writing skills so that they can help spread the word as well.
Getting a new lease on life (and getting educated) doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. If you have even a few skills, you can bring in a decent amount of cash just flexing those skills to help other people. Take control over your situation with these strategies and then secure your spot in a fantastic program. It takes just seconds to turn it all around.