Should you study at university, or continue to work and study online? Questions like these are more important than ever as students choose to seek an education in the face of financial stress and obligations. In this post, we’ll help you discover whether you would make a good candidate for online learning if you opt for this path.
Are you considering online classes? They’re not for everyone, but if you have a little bit of tech skill, the ability to self-motivate and drown out distractions, and are great with time management, they may be the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Discover the truth here, about what makes a good candidate for studying online in this post.
Is Online Learning Your Best Path? Find Out Here!
You Have Decent Tech Skills
In order to be successful online, you need to have regular access to a computer with good internet access. You also need to be comfortable using the computer for research, navigating your school’s online portal, and accessing study materials. It doesn’t hurt to have at least a few troubleshooting skills in case your internet connection goes down or you have a computer issue, either. Either that, or you need to have a plan for getting to a backup. Even if you have only basic technical skills, you’re off to a great start with online learning.
You Dislike the Pace of Most Classroom Courses
Do you ever feel like your class pace moves either too fast, or so slow that you’re bored out of your mind? Either way, you may not feel that the average in-person instructor can cater to your needs. It’s tough for instructors to accommodate the learning needs of a few dozen students at a time. Online learning may be a better option because, while you still have deadlines, you can work through the material at your own pace.
You Can Self-motivate
Self-motivation is one of the most important traits someone needs to have to be successful in an online learning environment. You need to be your own motivator throughout the entirety of your coursework, including setting a schedule and getting your work done. Moreover, you need to do this without in-person classmates to work with or an instructor to visit during office hours.
You’re Great at Time Management
Time management is also a critical skill for online learners. Many students balance work and other life obligations in addition to their classes; they need be willing to set aside time each week to do the work necessary to study, participate in online forums, and to complete assignments and write papers. Consistency and proper time management at all times is the key to success when it comes to getting your work done.
You Can Drown Out Distractions
You need to be able to drown out distractions while you work. Can you spend time on the internet without hopping onto Facebook or checking your email? Are you immune to the pleas of friends who want you to go out for drinks or coffee? Can you turn your phone’s ringer off and ignore phone calls and texts for the time it will take to do your coursework? If so, you’ve definitely got the discipline it takes to get through an online course successfully.
Online learning can be incredibly rewarding for those who need to juggle school work with other life obligations. Talk to your online school’s counselor if you have questions about how the courses are structured and then get yourself enrolled! The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be on the path towards your new career.