Aquarius Horoscope

Oct 07, 2024… Aquarians will likely have no trouble finding motivation to get things done today. You can be driven by a desire to clean house, both literally and figuratively. If your surroundings are well-organized, it is easier to think. So, start this week with a clear mind and soul. If you ditch the clutter in both your surroundings and the things you’re carrying around in your heart, you can feel a weight lift for a fresh start!

Today’s Inspiration: Delicate does not mean weak. Kind does not mean naïve. Generous does not mean pushover. You are allowed to be a pure, wholesome person. Don’t worry bout the negativity cast out by those who are jealous or filled with darkness. They just want to bring you down with them. Be the example they can aspire to. Being good in this world makes it a better place, period.