Going back to school is expensive! There are new clothes to buy, school books to purchase, and long lists of school supplies to add to the bill. If only back-to-school shopping was as easy as picking up a few No. 2 pencils and calling it a day!
But here’s a bit of good news: many US websites offer crazy student discounts to help with back-to-school shopping. These places will REALLY help you save.
#1 Forever 21
Forever 21 offers deep discounts regardless of whether you’re 13 or 31. But while age doesn’t matter, these deals certainly do! Get trendy, affordable clothes for up to 15% off when you register with proof of studenthood.
#2 Express
You’ll find everything from denim to casual to upscale looks at Express. Register at UNiDAYS and get 15% off purchases right on the site. UNiDays also offers deals for students at a ton of other online retailers.
TOMS is known for cute, comfortable, and casual shoes that are perfect for heading back to school. Even better: they also donate one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. Pretty cool, right? Students get 10% off when they sign up at StudentBeans.
#4 Pottery Barn Teen
Outfit your dorm room with all the essentials and more when you use your 15% discount at Pottery Barn Teen (PB Teen). Simply use any student account ending in .edu to qualify. It’s really that easy!
#5 Boohoo
Name aside, you won’t be crying about this AMAZING deal from fashion-forward retailer Boohoo! Students enjoy a whopping 55% off when they register for a StudentBeans account. That’s a deep discount that will have you crying tears of joy.
#6 TopShop
Women’s fashion has never been easier to access online. It’s also more affordable than ever when you register for StudentBeans and shop using your student discount. Save 10% on all your fashion needs and shop ’til you drop at TopShop. Wow — try saying that 10 times fast!
#7 Kate Spade
Don’t forget your accessories! Use your student discount to unlock 15% off your purchase of shoes, handbags, jewelry, or other accessories. You’ll need to register with UNiDAYS for this discount.
These incredible student discounts just scratch the surface. Going back to school may be pricey, but these savings could help your budget stretch further. This isn’t a definitive list. You can always ask if a store offers a student discount. Also, don’t forget to do your research if your favorite shop didn’t make this list.