When deciding what you will focus on in college, that normal degree list always comes to mind. However, many unique and strange degrees lead to specific and fun careers.
Horology is the scientific study of the measurement of time. Clocks, watches, clockwork, sundials, hourglasses, clepsydras, timers, time recorders, marine chronometers, and atomic clocks are all examples of instruments used to measure time. You learn to make watches from the design to the building.
Ethical Hacking
An ethical hacker earns a bachelor’s degree in information technology or an advanced diploma in network security. He/she needs extensive experience in the area of network security and a working knowledge of various operating systems. Demand for qualified ethical hackers and cyber security specialists is rising year on year.
Air Transport with Helicopter Training
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Program is intended for those aiming to achieve the FAA’s highest level of airman certification. Obtaining an ATP rating will make the pilot more competitive in the job market. Flying a helicopter has numerous job opportunities, and it is quite a unique degree.
Brewing and Distilling
A fermentation science degree teaches a person about brewing and distilling. It shows that someone is serious about the brewing industry as a profession.
Ethnobotanists study how people from specific areas or cultures use indigenous plants. They do much of their work in the field, building relationships with local medical practitioners and studying the local plant life. It is common for ethnobotanists to have graduate degrees, and their studies generally combine botany with other disciplines that focus on human history, culture, and society.
Adventure Education
A degree in Adventure Education will teach you how to use the Great Outdoors to expose children, adults, and at-risk populations to challenging adventures, personal growth, and self-discovery. The careers in this degree are exponential.
Astrobiology is the study of the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. At this time, there are very few dedicated degree programs in astrobiology. The typical pathway for a student interested in pursuing astrobiology graduate studies is to specialize in a single scientific discipline.
Auctioneering degree prepares individuals for professional careers as auctioneers and auction managers and meets applicable state licensing requirements. Includes instruction in bid calling, public speaking, ring working, auction techniques, salesmanship skills, auction clerking and cashiering, auction advertising, working independently or with auction houses, contracts and agency, applicable sales law, and managing both general auctions and auctions specializing in commodities such as antiques, consignments, farm equipment, industrial equipment, real estate, livestock, and automobiles.
Having a degree in bagpiping is as unique as the instrument. You will be proficient in not only playing the bagpipe but how it’s made, how it works, and its cultural history. Bagpiping is a specialty that is desired at many large and small events.
Baking Science
To earn a baking science degree, you can take multiple technical bakery courses designed to provide you with the skills and practical experience needed to reach your career goals for employment in the baking industry. From production to chemistry to management, there are lots of options. The jobs can include baker, Patisser, Cake decorator, baking entrepreneur, Baker management, and more.
Viticulture and Oenology:
Earn a bachelor of science in this degree while learning the process of making wine and more. Students evaluate, breed, and crush grapes, swish wine, and learn how to produce wine.