Going to college can provide you with a degree, prestige and bragging rights, and although it might sound like the only way to get an education, there are other routes. Reading informative books and creating your own homework may take you further than you realize. Discover more on the pros and cons and determine if a DIY college education is the best option for you.
Pros and Cons of Choosing a College Education
Most recruiters and hiring managers expect to find a traditional college education when they scan your resume. By attending a well-known university, you have the benefit of making valuable connections through the people you meet at school, including recruiters you come into contact with.
Even if you don’t use all of those connections, seeing a prestigious university name on a resume may cause some employers to take a second look, which may help you land a job easier. The cons of choosing a traditional college education often translate into what type of school you choose. If it doesn’t have a strong program for your degree or isn’t a school that’s well-known, you might end up paying a lot for a piece of paper that doesn’t do much in terms of getting your foot in the door.
The Highs and Lows of a DIY Degree
A DIY degree offers a great deal of savings depending on what type of education you’re looking for. If you’ve always wanted an MFA in writing or the arts, for example, DIY MFA offers a useful solution, allowing you to learn everything a traditional MFA student would at far less cost. The downside is, despite the experience you can gain by downing a DIY degree program, many jobs and companies might choose not to recognize your skills since you didn’t acquire them through an accredited school.
Going the Route of DIY: How to Save Money
If you’re interested in pursuing a DIY degree to see where it takes you, it’s important to know your degree is what you make it. Try reading The Personal MBA or taking free online courses through edX, which features offerings from big-name schools like Harvard and MIT. They can be great options if you want to start a business, are interested in working with an open-minded startup or are still searching for some direction.
A DIY college degree can provide you with many options when it comes to navigating a world of learning. You can choose to save money, focus on your passions, or even use your newfound knowledge to go into business for yourself, all while forging past the cost and timeline of a traditional college.
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