College is an exciting time, but it can also have its challenges. There are countless tips and bits of advice for surviving college and making it to graduation. But what about actual products and items that may help simplify each day? Check these out.
Bring on the White Noise
Peace and quiet can be hard to come by in a bustling dorm room. White noise may be able to help with sleep and studying. Get a white noise machine or plug in a fan to help drown out background noises.
Comfy Mattress Topper
Dorm room mattresses aren’t always the most comfortable, making a restful night’s sleep out of the question. Bring your own mattress cover, one that’s comfy and cooling and contours to your body type. Remember, you’ll spend a lot of time on this mattress, so don’t skimp on quality.
Cheap Wireless Printer
Have a cheap wireless printer in tow when you move in. Printing reports and notes is a given. Being able to save time and the hassle of printing from the library will be a real lifesaver.
Dry Erase Board
Having a dry erase board set up in your dorm room can be a helpful for upcoming deadlines and activity reminders. If you’re a visual person, this is a great item to keep in plain sight.
All-in-One Breakfast Center
Kitchen space is tight if not non-existent in most dorms. Utilizing every square inch is important. An appliance that brews coffee, toasts bagels and serves as a griddle can make it easy to whip up a yummy meal in minutes flat.
Heated Throw
Drafty dorms can get downright chilly, even during the day. When packing for college, be sure to include a heated throw. It can take the place of multiple blankets and allows you to adjust temps for personal comfort.
Power Strip Surge Protector
Another area where most dorms are lacking is room for all your electronics cords. Don’t forget a good surge protector to keep everything safe, preferably one that also has an assortment of USB plug-ins. This makes it easier to have your phone, laptop and tablet all in one place. It also reduces that pesky pile of tangled cords.
Rolling Backpack and Wagon
Don’t leave home without a rolling backpack or wagon. If your dorm is up a few flights of stairs or miles across campus, a rolling backpack will save on back strain. The wagon comes in handy for grocery hauls and cumbersome items that need transferring from room to car. Models that fold up are the best option. They carry a heavy load but can hide away nicely in a small, compact space.
Super-Light Laptop
Most students have a laptop. Is yours still doing the job? Consider trading it in for a newer, lightweight model. It slides into a purse or backpack so you can keep up with class schedules, meet project deadlines and read textbooks seamlessly.
Portable Three-Drawer Cart
Use every square inch of space. A rolling three-drawer cart is great for storing supplies and tucking away odds and ends. Stack it up with books, snacks, blankets even your microwave. Then move it out of the way when you don’t need it.
Surviving college means making your dorm as homey and functional as possible. The goal is to make your space a reflection of you. Bring in items and tools that are multifunctional to can make college life that much easier.
~Here’s to Your Success!
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