College students spend their lives bombarded by information. Whether it’s advice from parents and grandparents, or lectures from professors, a student’s life is all about absorbing what they’re told. So when it comes to a student’s downtime, finding the right content to enjoy is incredibly important. University life tends to lead itself to an intellectual outlook, so when a student pops on a podcast during commute and workout time they want something that entertains but also makes them think.
We’ve got a list of the best podcasts for college students that we think you’ll love!
Stuff Mom Never Told You
This is a podcast about the experience of being a woman. Expect to enjoy episodes about navigating relationships, living life as a woman, feminist issues, and just generally fun stories and anecdotes. If you’re feeling a lack of female bonding or aren’t getting enough time to chat with your girlfriends, this podcast could help fill that gap for you.
Bad With Money
Sometimes you just want to feel like you’re not alone, and if you’re bad with money you’ll find your soulmate in the host of this podcast who is, indeed, bad with money. There’s something very relatable about someone who can let their flaws hang out and allow you to learn how to do better along with them. Not everyone could pull off this premise, but Bad With Money manages to do it. The best part is, you’ll probably pick up some really good management tips from the host, her parents, other people who are bad with money, and experts.
Stuff You Missed in History Class
If you ever wished you were the cool kid at the party who had fascinating little facts to drop to make conversation more interesting, this podcast could become your secret weapon. The devil is in the details, but so is the fun as you’ll learn when you hear about the tidbits that really make history come alive.
Stuff You Should Know
The goal of university students of yore was to become known as a Renaissance Man, or someone who was sort of an accumulator of bits of knowledge from a wide range of areas. If you have a similar goal, Stuff You Should Know is absolutely the podcast for you. Learn about all the stuff that will make you look like a brainiac. Your parents will really think your education is worth the money when they hear all the knowledge you earn from this podcast.
The Daily
The New York Times offers gold standard journalism, and their signature podcast distills that standard into a very easily digestible daily dose. You’ll get a deep dive on topical issues and headlines along with the occasional human interest piece. Production values are very high and your professors will be impressed by how confidently you’re able to talk about current events. This podcast is a win-win subscription for any college student.